भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान झारखण्ड
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute Jharkhand

Library and Information Centre

The Indian Agricultural Research Institute Jharkhand library started its services for scientists, students and staff of the institute on 26th September 2021with an initial collection of 63 textbooks. The institute library and information centre is working on its mission to acquire, organize, preserve and disseminate information on various aspects of agriculture, horticulture, animal science, fisheries and other allied disciplines. The section currently holds a total of 300 highly specialized reading materials in the form of textbooks, journals, annual reports, newsletters, theses, bulletins, reports, magazines etc. The library has on its role 80membersincluding students, scientists and technical and administrative staff of the institute. 

The institute library and information centre provides Wi-Fi Internet browsing, reference literature, newspaper facility, photocopying, printing and scanning facility, and a separate reading room facility for the convenience of the library users.The library remains open from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM on all working days.
The plan and policies for the major procurements and management issues of the library are monitored by LAC (Library Advisory Committee) comprising a Chairman (Institute Director or O.S.D.), Library In-charge (Principal/Senior/Scientist) and a representative from various divisions of the institute. The Library In-charge looks after the management and routine purchase process and day-to-day activity is managed by a senior technical officer, library.

Institute Digital Repository

The access to the institute digital repository is provided in the institute website under the webpage ‘Library’. It will include institute publications, publications by IARI-J staff, student theses and other reports pertaining to the institute.

Online Resources

The institute library and information centre provide links to gain access to open access journals/e-journals/e-books subscribed as well as consortia subscribed databases available on various platforms. Consortium of e-Resources of Agriculture (CeRA) has provided the access to full-text articles to scientific community, students and other users of all the network in ICAR Institutes/Agricultural Universities through institute LAN.

Document Delivery Service

As part of the Resource Sharing Programme, the institute library and information centre provides online Document Delivery Service expeditiously on demand.

Contact us

Library In-charge: Dr. Krishna Prakash
ACTO, Library: Shri Sushil Marandi

Library Photos

A view of the library and student reading room

Guest House

ICAR-IARI, Jharkhand  has one Guest House situated in the campus. The Guest House has 6 rooms, two suit and a Dining area. The Guest House is  primarily meant for accommodation of the official guests of the  ICAR institutes and participants of Training Programmes organized by the Institute. The reservations for the rooms need to be done well in advance. Accommodation shall be provided subject to the availability of rooms at the time of arrival of the guests. The Guest Houses provide beddings (bedsheets, pillow, sheet, pillow cover, blanket, mattress, etc.). Check-out time is 24 hrs from the time of arrival.  All dues should be cleared before departure during office hours, preferably (10 AM-4 PM) on working days. Please demand official receipts for payments made.

Sh. Surjit Kumar (AAO)
Guest House Incharge 


IARI, Jharkhand provides a pleasant ambience for students to reside in the hostel within campus. There are two hostels one for boys and other for girls. The hostels are at developing stage but in future it will be well established and fully furnished. The hostels have a capacity of 150 girls and 170 boys students to accommodate. Separate mess will run on both hostel. Apart from quality and hygienic food the hostel will also have recreational facilities like separate hall for TV, Study room, indoor games, Meditation room etc. To maintain the hostel each hostel has its own warden.

Boys hostel Warden :Dr. Santosh Kumar

Girls Hostel Warden: Dr Anima Mahato

Farm operations and Services Unit

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Institute –Jharkhand is spread over about 1000-acre land out of which about 925-acre land is dedicated to farm section for research and resource generation. The farm area has typical physiography of Chota-Nagpur plateau with undulating topography encompassing upland, medium land and lowland areas with mostly acid soil pH. The whole farm area has been divided into 14 blocks for smooth and efficient management of the available resources. Currently farm section has following facilities

  • Horticultural and forest nursery
  • Farm office cum store building
  • Small scale vermicomposting unit
  • Farm produce sell counter
  • Animal unit: under construction
  • Fish ponds
  • Farm machinery: tractors (3), laser land leveller (1), rice transplanter (1), soil tiling equipment’s

Central Laboratory

The institute will be provided with Central lab to facilitate efficient functioning of ongoing research activities of faculties and students. The aim of the establishment is to provide all the advanced and costly equipments at a single place for proper care and maintenance along with scientific study. 


The Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU) was established by IARI-Jharkhand in September, 2021 and Internet Facility (IF) in March, 2022.Currently, the Unit is entrusted with responsibility of developing ICT in agricultural research, maintaining the Institute's network, the website and the webserver administration. Provide internet connectivity, maintain dynamic web site, farmer's advisory service, tele conferencing and e-mail services to IARI-Jharkhand.Maintaining smart classes (60 student capacity) and virtual classroom (60 student capacity) & amp; Agri-DIKSHA web education channel. It also controls PIMS, HYPM,e office and ERP.

Incharge : Dr. Dipak Kumar Gupta


Smart/Virtual classroom

A separate classroom is made for students to have online classes to directly communicate/interact with faculties of IARI, New Delhi. The classroom is equipped with high resolution fixed as well as rotating camera for clear vision. A smart board is provided with power back up for assistance in hassle free class or meeting.

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