भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान झारखण्ड
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute Jharkhand


The journey of Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Jharkhand (IARI Jharkhand), began in June 28, 2015 at Gauria Karma, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand with Deemed University status, to cater the needs of the resource rich Eastern part of the Country so as to harness the potential of agriculture, animal sciences, fisheries, horticulture and forestry. It is known as the Second Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) of the Country. IARI Jharkhand was conceived by the Hon’ble Union Government and established to work on the challenges and complexities of the Eastern parts of the country in a different agro-climatic region altogether, with a mission to achieve inclusive agricultural growth through Integrated Farming Systems (IFS) approach and multi-disciplinary research. The main aim of the institute to exploit the potential of Eastern States especially Jharkhand that are essential for accelerating the Second Green Revolution in the country. IARI, New Delhi is popularly known as seat of green revolution. The fruits of first green revolution, however, were not realized by the Eastern states of our country. The country needs second green revolution to feed 160 crores population by 2030, which can happen from the eastern states of our country. In fact, the inherent potential of the Eastern part of our country has remained untapped due to various reasons. The institute will attract the cream of post graduate and doctoral students from all over India and abroad to conduct region specific research. The major regional challenges will be addressed through prioritized thrust areas of research, integrated with post-graduate education and extension programs. It will help usher in Evergreen Revolution for productive, profitable and sustainable agriculture ensuring total prosperity in the eastern region. This would also develop ancillary industries for rural employment and economic empowerment.


  • Conducting basic, strategic and anticipatory research in field of agriculture and allied sector for enhanced productivity, quality and livelihood security
  • To harness the untapped potential through integration of agriculture, animal sciences, fisheries, horticulture, and forestry to enhances production, productivity, quality, bringing overall agrarian development in the eastern states; producing trained quality manpower development and emerging as institute of national importance


Establishment of a State-of-Art Indian Agricultural Research Institute cum Deemed to be University in Jharkhand for catering needs of the resource rich eastern part of country through science and technology aiming to base effective and sustainable harnessing of available potential in agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, horticulture and allied sciences



Tapping inherent potential of eastern states to bring second green revolution in country

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