भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान झारखण्ड
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute Jharkhand

1. Schedule Caste Sub Plan

In order to increase the income of the target population through various income generating schemes, skill development and infrastructure development, ICAR-IARI, Jharkhand has effectively implemented the Schedule Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) for the benefit of schedule caste farmers of Jharkhand in an effective manner. Various developmental activities are underway for the creation of infrastructure facilities, conducting capacity building training programs and farm input supply for enhancing agricultural productivity. Under the farm-input supply component, seeds and planting materials of various agricultural and horticultural crops, fertilizers and other required input is being distributed free of cost among the selected beneficiaries of the community as per the seasonal requirements. Direct input supply to the needy farmers help in enhancing the standard of living of scheduled caste farmers by increasing their income through increased agricultural productivity. Efforts of the institute in supplying quality seeds under SCSP is highly appreciated by the benefitted farmers and there is a great demand for the quality seeds of various crops in all the cropping seasons. During Kharif 2022, a four days ‘Training cum seed distribution program of paddy for improved productivity’ were organized during 04th to 07th July 2022 to impart knowledge of improved cultivation practices for cultivation of new improved rice varieties and 30 Q of paddy seeds were distributed among 220 number of beneficiary farmers of 4 villages of Barhi block of Hazaribag district. During Rabi 2022-23, 24 Quintals of wheat seeds was distributed among 300 scheduled caste farmers of 5 different villages in 3 panchayats of Hazaribag district during five days ‘Training cum seed distribution program of wheat for improved productivity’ during 25th to 29th November 2022. During the farmers training cum seed distribution program the farmers were actively interacted with crop-specific resource personnel of the institute. The aim of the farmer’s training program was to provide brief insight into the scientific package of practices of different crops for higher productivity and consequently higher income.

2. Tribal Sub Plan

The Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) is a planning concept to channelize the flow of benefits from the central government for the development of tribal populations. As part of TSP, the ICAR-IARI, Jharkhand is actively engaged in enhancing the standard of living of tribal farmers by increasing their income through increased agricultural productivity. Under TSP, ICAR-IARI, Jharkhand has conducted training programs on various topics for tribal farmers in the different blocks of Hazaribagh district. The objective of the training program was to provide insights of scientific package of practices of different crops for getting higher productivity and consequently higher income. Tribal farmers were also motivated for farming of rice, maize, specialty corn, vegetables, wheat, chickpea, green gram, horse gram and other crops of their region through adopting the improved practices. A total of around 2800 tribal farmers got benefitted from this training program. Seeds of improved varieties of rice, maize, vegetables, green gram and horse gram were also provided to the participants after the training programme.

3. Training program organized under NABARD funded project

A three day training program on the topic “झारखण्ड में गुणवत्तायुक्त प्रोटीन मक्का के एकल संकर मक्का बीज उत्पादन की तकनीक विषय पर त्रिदिवसीय युवा कृषक प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम” was organized under NABARD funded project “Popularization of bio fortified maize hybrids (QPM+ProVit.A enriched) for sustainable nutritional security and upscaling entrepreneurship to boost up farmers’ income in Jharkhand” to train and motivate the youth farmers to produce the hybrid seeds of maize as there is huge demand of quality hybrid seeds of maize among the farmers of Jharkhand. The training was attended by 60 farmers of 10 Farmer Producer Organizations of Hazaribag district.

4. Seed distribution

  • Seed distribution of 120 quintal paddy seeds (IR 64 & MTU 1010) to the tribal farmers under TSP
  • Seed distribution of 25 quintal maize hybrid seeds (DHM121) to the tribal farmers under TSP
  • Vegetable seed kit (1000 pkt.) distribution to the tribal farmers under TSP.
  • Seed distribution of 200 Kg Kulthi seeds (BirsaKulthi 1) to the tribal farmers under TSP.

5. FLDs conducted/Field day/Farmers day organized

  • Demonstration of experimental hybrids of maize during Kharif- 2022 at ICAR-IARI, Jharkhand.
  • Front line demonstration of Maize hybrid DHM 121, Improved Rice variety IR 64 Drt1, MTU 1010, Vegetables and Horse gram in different villages of Hazaribag district
  • Field day conducted for the innovative farmers to showcase the elite experimental maize hybrids during Kharif- 2022 at ICAR-IARI, Jharkhand.
  • Conducted Front line demonstration of QPM hybrids viz. Pusa HQPM-1 improved & HQPM-5 improved on farmers’ field in 40 different villages of Hazaribag district under NABARD funded project (Fortified Maize Project- 70-01).
  • Conducted field day among the farmers of the village in which demonstration was conducted, to showcase the potential of the QPM maize hybrid (Pusa HQPM-1 improved & HQPM-5 improved). Field day was conducted in all the 40 villages, where demonstration of QPM hybrids were conducted. The demonstrated QPM hybrids showed superiority over the traditional variety as well as the hybrids available in the local market.

S. No.


No. of Villages

GY (Pusa HQPM-1 improved)

GY (Pusa HQPM-5 improved)

Yield of traditional variety

Yield of hybrid available in market


6. Success Story

Popularization of hybrid Pusa HQPM 5 Improved in Hazaribag district of Jharkhand

Maize is the second most important crop in Hazaribagh district of Jharkhand next to rice yet the productivity of maize in the area is very low in comparison to national productivity. A substantial amount of dietary requirement for energy in this area is being fulfilled by maize. Adoption of bio-fortified maize with increased lysine, tryptophan and provit. A would contribute in attaining nutritional security in a more holistic approach. The hybrid Pusa HQPM 5 Improved developed by ICAR-IARI, New Delhi have been demonstrated on farmers’ field during kharif 2022 in Hazaribagh district of Jharkhand and the performance of hybrids were found to be excellent in every locations and average grain yield of 56-59 q/ha was recorded (As per crop cutting from the area of 2 mtr x 2 mtr in five replications). There is huge demand of green cob among the people in Jharkhand and the green cob weight of 252-261 q/ha was recorded in comparison to 176-188 q/ha of the other locally available varieties grown by the farmers. Owing to the cob size, yield potentiality and quality of kernels in respect of quality protein, the farmers are keen interested to adopt these hybrids for their maize cultivation. As a matter of fact, these hybrids have gained immense popularity among the cultivators that resulted in high demand of seed very rapidly. It is expected that, other farmers will also go for the cultivation of this QPM hybrid in next season.

Type of Maize varieties/hybrid

Grain Yield (Kg/ha)

Green Cob Yield (Kg/ha)




Hybrid available in local market



PUSA          HQPM-5 Improved



Adoption of hybrid DHM 121 in Hazaribag district of Jharkhand
Maize is a staple food crop in the countryside areas and is the major crop of uplands of Jharkhand during Kharif. However, the traditional varieties of maize grown in the area have low yield potential and are susceptible to diseases and pests. To address these issues, the ICAR-IARI, Jharkhand conducted the demonstrations of the Maize hybrid DHM 121 on the farmers’ field, which has shown promising results in terms of grain yield as well as green cob yield. The maize hybrid DHM 121 was distributed among the tribal farmers under tribal sub plan project. Training was also imparted to them on the scientific package of practices of maize cultivation for higher productivity and profitability. The farmers were initially skeptical about the new hybrid variety, but with the help of ICAR-IARI, Jharkhand, they were able to understand the benefits of the new variety.
The following table summarizes the yield of traditional varieties and improved hybrid in terms of grain yield and green cob yield:

Type of Maize varieties/hybrid

Grain Yield (Kg/ha)

Green Cob Yield (Kg/ha)




Hybrid available in local market



DHM 121



As we can see from the table, the Maize hybrid DHM 121 has a much higher yield potential than the traditional varieties. The grain yield is almost double, while the green cob yield is more than double. This has led to an increase in income for the tribal farmers who have adopted the new variety. The improved yield of the new variety has also led to better food security in the region, as farmers are able to produce more maize for their families and sell the surplus in the market. In conclusion, the adoption of Maize hybrid DHM 121 by tribal farmers in Jharkhand has been a success story, leading to an increase in yield, income, and food security in the region. After conducting demonstration, farmers were convinced to adopt the DHM 121 hybrid maize variety due to its high yield potential, good resistance to pests and diseases, and suitability for local weather conditions. Overall, the success of the DHM 121 hybrid maize variety in tribal areas demonstrates the importance of introducing improved varieties that are suitable for local conditions, and the value of extension services to help farmers adopt new technologies and practices.

Production of Vermicompost

After getting training on “Techniques of Vermicomposting of Cow Dung Manure” organised at IARIJ during 06-08 January, 2022, the Dairy Unit of Animal Department, Gauria karma is successfully converting about 25% of generated cow dung manure into the vermicompost under the guidance of IARIJ. They have produced about 25 quintals of vermicompost in last 6 months.

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