भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान झारखण्ड
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute Jharkhand

School of Crop Science

   Major Research Activities:

  1. Breeding of high yielding varieties of crops suitable for rained ecology
    Rice, Wheat, Maize, Mustard, Finger millet, Pigeonpea, Mung bean, Urd bean, Chick pea, Lentil, Kulthi
  1. Breeding of high yielding varieties of horticultural crop suitable for rainfed ecology Crops:Fruits (Mango, Litchi, Guava, Papaya, Jackfruit, Ber, Bael, Sapota, Citrus, Aonla, Custard apple, Pomegranate) and minor fruits
    Vegetables- Tomato, Brinjal, Okra, Drumstick, Peas &Beans,Root crops, Cole crops, 
    Gourds and leafy vegetable
    Flowers- Marigold, Gerbera, Rose, Annuals, Bulbous Plants

    Spices- Turmeric, Ginger, Coriander, Chilli

     Medicinal & Aromatic plants-Tulsi, Aswagandha, Aloe, Mint, Lemon grass
  1. Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of resource use efficiency and stress tolerance in crop plants.
  2. Development of production and plant health management technologies for agri-horticultural crops under rainfed ecology.
  3. Development of production technology for quality seeds and saplings of agri-horticultural crops for Eastern India.
  4. Increasing adaptation of improved varieties and technologies of field and horticultural crops for improving productivity and livelihood security of the farmers of Eastern India.

    Following are the divisions under this school:
  • Genetics & Plant Breeding
  • Horticultural Sciences
  • Crop Protection
  • Social Sciences

School of Natural Resource Management

School of Natural Resource Management (NRM), Studies on investigations on bio-mass production, use of bio-fertilizers and agro-energetics with emphasis on recycling of crop plants, shrubs, tree residues and effective utilization of agricultural wastes; studies on integrated approach for efficient utilization of rainwater and nutrients, and contingent crop planning for rainfed areas; investigations on weather based crop management using medium range weather forecasts; assessment of soil, water, climate and crop resources using remote sensing, GIS, nuclear and other allied techniques for generation of database and resources inventories; development and refinement of bio-fertilizer applications and management practices; identification and utilization of efficient strains of nitrogen fixing and phosphate solubilising microorganisms in relation to soil fertility as well as on developing microbial strategies for augmenting stress and nutrient management and crop productivity etc. Following are the divisions under this school:- Soil Science & Agril Chemistry, Environment Science, Agricultural Engineering, Microbiology

School of Animal Science

  • Genetic improvement, conservation and multiplication of livestock, and evaluation of their production performances for suitability
  • Evaluation of feed resources and their incorporation in the feeding systems of different types of animals
  • Evaluation of production performance and quality assessment of available fishes utilizing potential resources and organic wastes 
  • Enhancing livelihood security of farming community through fisheries, livestock and crop integration
  • Evaluating regionally preferred livestock and fisheries integrated with agri-horti cultural crops and development of efficient and economic production systems to improve livelihood security of farming community 
  • Efficient and economic productions of livestock and fishes in eastern region of India
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